Eliano Fiore

Eliano Fiore

FG Cultural Tours

The proposals related to historical-cultural tourism in Japan which are displayed on this site, and of which Eliano is the creator and guide, arise from the idea of ​​proposing to the public concrete itineraries that can be adapted as needed to the needs or desires of those who would like to face a travel to Japan different from the usual standardized and inconsistent itineraries that various tour operators often offer. To better illustrate this idea, Eliano opened the YouTube channel PASSEGGIATE GIAPPONESI (JAPANESE STROLLS) in 2021, in which he guides the viewer through short videos of the most characteristic and unusual places in Tokyo and Japan. From this channel, which offers Japanese walks weekly, the idea of ​​combining the initiative with a documentation and reference website was born, where it is possible to get in touch directly with Eliano to plan a personalized trip.

Eliano Fiore
FG Cultural Tours - My Japan Tours Logo

Eliano Fiore is a passionate yamatologist as well as Tour Architect of FG Cultural Tours, the cultural tourism initiative in Japan headed by this site (myjapan.tours), of which he is the creator and founder. The information, stories, and itineraries — often unusual — proposed here derive precisely from his very long experience of living and working in this extraordinary country.

Biographical notes

After specializing in sociology, modern literature, art history, and archeology, Eliano dedicated himself to deepening his knowledge of Japanese culture, history, and language, concluding this journey with his definitive move to Tokyo in 1975. His knowledge of the Japanese language, acquired at the Proficiency 1 (JLPT-1) level, led him to be chosen as an interpreter for some events by the imperial house, as well as to hold the role of contract professor of Italian and Italian studies at various public and private academics institutions.

From a very young age, he participated in the scouting activities of the CNGEI (National Corps of Italian Scouts and Guides), becoming its director in Italy and then in Japan (Woodbadge certification). In this capacity in 1997 he promoted an ongoing link between the Boy Scout sections of the twin cities of Kyoto and Florence.

After obtaining the ISG certification (International School of Gemology) as a Gemologist Appraiser and the GIA Diamond Diploma (Gemological Institute of America), Eliano began his activity as an expert gemologist in Japan and other Asian countries.

Over the years Eliano has worked to strengthen economic and cultural ties between Italy and Japan.

Between 1980 and 1983 he was chief interpreter for the Italsider-Nippon Steel steel plant renewal project in Italy and Japan.

In 1985 he was assistant to the director of the Italian pavilion at Tsukuba Expo '85. Subsequently, he dedicated himself to organizing and guiding industrial tourism itineraries in Japan for entrepreneurs and managers from the private and public sectors.

In 1987 he set up, on behalf of the Italian embassy in Tokyo, an emergency communications network for Italians residing in Japan.

From 1990 to 1993, he also held the position of Representative in Japan of the Conseil Général du Vaucluse for cultural and economic activities.

From 1995 to 2000, and again from 2002 to 2004, he was appointed general director of the Italian Chamber of Commerce in Japan.

In 1997 he opened the Tokyo delegation of the Italian Academy of Cuisine, holding the position of delegate in Tokyo for ten years.

In 1999 he was elected president of Ciao Italia, the association of Italian restaurants in the world.

Since 2010 he has been appointed consul of the Italian Academy of Historical Gastronomy for Japan.

In 2005, as a consultant for the company Cest la vie​​​​​, which managed the Villaggio Italia shopping center in Nagoya, he supervised the import of over sixty different types of Italian cheeses.

From 2000 to 2012 he taught Italian language and culture at Sophia University of Tokyo, and from 2006 to 2017 Italian language and Italian studies at Takasaki University of Commerce.

In 2006 he was elected president of the Tokyo committee of the Dante Alighieri Society, establishing for the first time in Japan the exam for the PLIDA certification (Dante Alighieri Italian Language Project) at Sophia University of Tokyo.

Eliano has to his credit several academic essays and articles on the Middle Ages and art history, as well as some works of fiction inspired by Japan.

To reward the merits acquired towards the nation in the context of relations between Italy and Japan, in 1996 he was awarded the honor of Cavaliere dell'Ordine al Merito della Repubblica Italiana (Knight of the Order of Merit of the Italian Republic), and was subsequently appointed delegate for Japan of the Unione Nazionale Cavalieri d'Italia (National Union of the Knights of Italy).

In 2000 he was awarded the honor of Cavaliere di Merito dell'Ordine costantiniano di San Giorgio (Knight of Merit of the Constantinian Order of Saint George).

In 2002 he was awarded the honor of Ufficiale dell'Ordine al Merito della Repubblica Italiana (Officer of the Order of Merit of the Italian Republic).